Supporting Organizations
Free Methodist World Missions
Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches.
Association of Related Ministries international (ARMI)
Providing encouragement and support through an association of ministers who share the same vision: spreading the message of God’s unconditional love and grace. This is achieved through relationships with seasoned ministers, support through continuing education, training from experienced professionals through free teachings and webinars, and opportunities for fellowship with like-minded ministers.
Set Free
The Set Free Movement seeks holistic freedom to create new futures and end modern slavery through community-based action and partnership with others.
The Order of Saint Leonard
We are currently members and working with the Order of St. Leonard under Bishop David Carr in the UK that promotes unity between all denominations in training leaders in churches and helping the poor.
Logos Global Network
The Logos Global Network is a fellowship of like-minded believers in Jesus Christ with a heart to facilitate ministry and education to the nations.